If you’ve ever shopped for a large purchase such as a car or a house you probably understand that there are going to be significant variations in price. However, when it comes to wedding photography, a comment we hear a lot is that people are confused by the price differences between photographers. How is it that some wedding photographers can charge hundreds and even thousands of dollars more than others?
Not All Wedding Photographers are Professional Photographers
Wedding photography, by and large, is an unregulated business. While some countries, states, and municipalities will require a business license, you don’t have to have a degree or pass any test to become a wedding photographer. Some people who refer to themselves as a wedding photographer may not be doing it as their main source of income and may only do a limited number of weddings per year. While they may be talented, they may not have as much experience or as much invested in their craft than a photographer who is working full-time as a professional wedding photographer.
Experience in the Field Matters
Just as in any service oriented business, it only makes sense that the longer you are in business, the more your skillsets grow and the more money you can demand for your services. An experienced wedding photographer is not only photographing dozens of weddings per year, but they are also investing in classes, entering their photos in image competitions, and upgrading their equipment more frequently. Many years of experience photographing a large number of weddings in different locations, with different types of clients, will develop and hone a photographer's skills to a very high level. It enables them to consistently deliver outstanding images for every wedding.
When the Price is Too Good to be True
As mentioned, there are no regulations on being a wedding photographer so some people see the opportunity to do wedding photography as extra money on the weekend. They may be charging lower rates and asking for cash because they are not paying taxes or operating as a legal business entity. While the price may be low, the risk is high that they lack experience and training, and they are not as invested in your day. They may be using older and minimal equipment that has not been well maintained. Be sure to fully investigate any photographer that you meet with, check for references and look over their portfolio carefully. How many weddings can they show you? If the price seems too good to be true, it probably is.
One of the reasons the ISPWP was founded in 2008 was to elevate the profession of wedding photography. With our uncompromising standards for admission, you can be assured that any photographer you find on our site is a professional with years of experience who has been voted into the ISPWP by their peers. Find an ISPWP photographer in your area by searching for your state or country in our directory.
Photo by Daniel Dumbrava, Targoviste, Romania wedding photographer.
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